| 1960 1960s 1966 1968 1990s 1991 1992 1993 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2010s 2013 2020 2020s Agatha Christies Criminal Games Alf Amanda Plummer American Beauty Anya Taylor-joy Aristocrat Arizona Dream Bandit Billy Connolly Blandine Bellavoir Cape Fear Clint Eastwood Deconstructing Harry Dracula Eli Wallach Elisabeth Shue Elodie Frenck Gary Oldman Glenn Close Homeless Hugh Grant Husbands And Wives Jack Lemmon Jeff Bridges Jerry Lewis John C. Reilly John Malkovich Judi Dench Judy Davis Julia Roberts Julianne Moore Juliette Lewis Kevin Spacey Leaving Las Vegas Lee Van Cleef Les Petits Meurtres Dagatha Christie Madam Mads Mikkelsen Magnolia Mary Reilly Mrs. Brown Nick Nolte Notting Hill Of Mice And Men Philip Baker Hall Philip Seymour Hoffman Police Inspector Police Officer Pope Prostitute Rhys Ifans Robert De Niro Robin Williams Samuel Labarthe Shirley Maclaine The Apartment The Fisher King The Good The Bad And The Ugly The Hunt The Legend Of 1900 The Magnificent Seven The New Pope The Queens Gambit Tim Roth Trophy Wife Victorian Victorian Era Villain William H. Macy Woody Allen   |